About Us
The Rock Kendo Club is Newfoundland and Labrador's only kendo & iaido dojo, and although we are a small group, we have big ambitions. We hope that people will come to find kendo is much more than a martial art or means of conditioning, but is also a way of living, and a means of self improvement by which to cultivate earnestness, respect, and confidence.
What is Kendo
Kendo (剣道), directly translated, means the way of the sword. This modern martial art originates in Japan, and is based on kenjutsu (剣術), once honed by the bushi (武士) or samurai.
Practitioners are known as kendoka (剣道家) or kenshi (剣士), and use bamboo swords known as shinai (竹刀), and armour referred to as bogu (防具) in full contact fencing.
What is Iaido
Iaidō (居合道), is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes being aware and capable of quickly drawing the sword and responding to a sudden attack. Iaido is associated with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard or saya (鞘), and striking or cutting an opponent.
Practitioners may begin learning with a bokuto (木刀)/bokken (木剣) or wooden sword and eventually train with an iaitō (居合刀) or unsharpened sword.
Why Practice
The purpose of practicing Kendo is:
To mold the mind and body,
To cultivate a vigorous spirit,
And through correct and rigid training,
To strive for improvement in the art of Kendo,
To hold in esteem human courtesy and honor,
To associate with others with sincerity,
And to forever pursue the cultivation of oneself.
This will make one be able:
To love his/her country and society,
To contribute to the development of culture
And to promote peace and prosperity among all peoples.
(The Concept of Kendo was established by All Japan Kendo Federation in 1975.)
Sensei & Sempai
Dojo Administrator
& Instructor (Kendo)

Wilson Humphries
(2nd dan Kendo).
Practicing since 2014.

Tom Alteen

Regular Club Practices & Classes have resumed.
Note, schedule is subject to change in relation to public health orders.
Club practice times
MONDAY: 8:00PM-9:30PM, Iaido
WEDNESDAY: 9:00PM-10:30PM, Kendo
SUNDAY: 12:30PM-1:10PM Kids Kendo (ages 5-7)
SUNDAY: 1:15PM-1:55PM Kids Kendo (ages 8-11)
SUNDAY: 2:00PM-4:00PM, Kendo (+12)
Current Offerings
Kendo Kids (Ages 5-11)
The Rock Kendo and Iaido Club is hosted by St. Andrew's Elementary School, we have given the right to first refusal to the students and families there. If space in our program is available after, we will then open it to the wider public, again this program is for elementary grade ages and will also be free to those outside of the school. Any students ages 12 and up must attend the regular classes.
Kendo/Iaido Regular monthly membership (Ages +12)
Access to all classes, workshops, and limited use of club equipment.
All new potential members are welcome to attend their first month free.
If you opt for to pay for an annual membership is $200/year saving $40.
Beginners Induction (Open for Fall 2024)
NEXT DATES: September 4th, 2024 - June 26th, 2025
Students will acquire the fundamentals of kendo and/or iaido, and condition their body, no prior knowledge of the arts are required.
Basic equipment may be ordered as part of registration or later (we usually recommend training for several months before committing to the cost of equipment, the average cost for gi set and sword start around ~$150 and go up from there). Otherwise the club has some limited equipment available free for use during class.
What to expect in a class
A typical class will consist of the following:
Soji - cleaning
Taiso - stretching and calisthenics,
Suburi and Footwork - practice cuts and other drills
Mokuso and Bowing in - a moment of meditation followed formal start of keiko (practice)
Kihon - typically sets of drill and strikes done with partners (contact)
Kata, Jigeiko or other comprehensive drills
Mokuso and Bowing out - as before, plus comments from the instructor, questions welcome.
Things to note before attending
Please attend only if you are feeling well, and arrive fully ready to take part in practice (keiko), i.e. arrive in your gi or gym clothes so we may start immediately.
Are there any additional costs?
Just one for regular members, it will be expected to register as a member of the national regulatory body, the Canadian Kendo Federation (CKF). This is necessary for grading and participation in many national or regional events.

Locations & Contact

141 University Ave,
(Entrance located on Paton Street)
St. John's, NL
A1B 1Z4
Tel: 709-728-8304
General Enquiries: kendoka@therockkendo.com
Instructor: whumphries@mun.ca
© 2018 TRK. Proudly created with Wix.com
Background photo: "Bell Island Vista"
Image courtesy of Ray Mackey @RayMackeyPhotographyNL
Additional media credits: Elizabeth Whitten, Wayne Pinsent